Scholarship funding for Davis UWC Scholars is a partnership between our program and the colleges and universities the scholars attend. Your philanthropy supports that partnership.
For Shelby Davis, supporting the Davis UWC Scholars Program has been a way to invest in future leaders who can make a difference in this world.
It is also how he lives out his mantra of “Learn, earn, return.” Whether you are still in the “learn” phase of your career or just starting to “earn,” there are ways to “return” and sustain the vision.
You can support that partnership through philanthropic donations to any college or university that accepts Davis UWC Scholars.
Every commitment to “return” brings us closer to the goal of building cross-cultural understanding through remarkable students.
Anyone interested in learning more about how to support the Davis UWC Scholars program may email Lisa Viau at info@davisuwcscholars.org.